Guided Yoga – Child’s Pose and Eagle Pose

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Today’s Poses – Child’s Pose and Eagle Pose

Child’s Pose and Eagle Pose

Child’s Pose – Balasana

Balasana is the Sanskrit word for Child’s Pose. Although it is a very simple posture, its effects are profound. The gentle forward-folding motion allows one to tap into deep states of relaxation, as it triggers the rest-and-digest mode of our parasympathetic nervous system. This is why Child’s Pose is often used to open a Yoga class, as a resting posture, or to wind down at the end of a sequence. By allowing us to let go of our egoic identifications, Balasana allows us to connect to our inner child, or Heart center: the part of us that is trusting, pure, and authentic.

  • Sit in Vajrasana: Kneel on the ground with bent legs.
    Keep the knees close to each other. Form a bowl with the soles of the feet, by bringing the heels beside the buttocks, while still sitting on them.
  • Straighten the spine, lift the chest, and slowly bend forward with a straight and elongated spine. Relax downward until the forehead touches the ground. The arms are placed in front of the body with bent elbows and forearms resting on the ground. Alternatively, the hands may be placed alongside the legs with palms facing upward.
  • Activate the core muscles, inhale, and slowly lift the torso out of the pose.
  • Gently stretches the hips, thighs, and ankles.
  • Tones the pelvic muscles and the sciatic nerves.
  • Releases pressure from the spinal discs.
  • Regulates the functioning of the adrenal glands.
  • Activates Anahata Chakra, the Heart Chakra.
  • Calms the brain and helps relieve stress and fatigue.
  • It helps to eliminate anger and is very cooling for the brain.
  • Soothes the personality, aids in overcoming the egoic identification.
  • Getting in touch with the essence of our being – awakens the soul.

Eagle Pose

In Indian mythology, Garuda is the king of the birds and is one of the three principal animal deities, along with Ganesha, the elephant-headed god, and the monkey god, Hanuman. Garuda is associated with Vishnu, the preserver god of the great trinity. He is known as a bringer of justice possessing supreme intelligence. The tradition of Garuda spreads far from India so much so that it is the national symbol in Thailand and Indonesia, as well as being a very prominent figure in all Buddhist countries. Its agility and sharpness of mind and the balancing of the wind by both wings in action are all mimicked by this unique asana.

  • Feet parallel, legs straight, knee joints unlocked.
  • Stand stable on the left leg, and bend the left knee. Lifting the right leg, place the right thigh onto the left thigh. Wrap the right lower leg as far as possible around the left calf.
  • Lift the left upper arm parallel to the floor, in front of the body. Raise the left forearm so it points straight upward. Move the right upper arm under the left, and wrap the right forearm around the left.
  • Index and middle finger of the right-hand catch hold of the left thumb, which is pointing upward.
  • The arms are then brought forward and downward to the level of the eyes so that one can just look over the tips of one’s own fingers.
  • Keep the spine vertical, avoiding the tendency to lean forward.
  • Draw the right side of the pelvis backward, so that the hips remain squared, without any rotation, twisting, or tilting.
  • The head is in line with the spine in a neutral position. The eyes are open, with the gaze firmly fixed on a spot up front, at the level of the forehead.
  • Firstly, unwrap the legs to come to a stable standing position on both legs. Secondly, the arms are unwrapped and the eyes are closed for the awareness phase.
  • Strengthens the leg muscles.
  • Loosens the joints of legs and arms.
  • Tones the nerves of the limbs.
  • Activates prana in Sushumna Nadi, redirecting vital and sexual energy to the brain
  • Harmonizes the mind, increases intelligence, and concentration.

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