Guided Yoga: Reclining Twist and Bound angle pose

Guided YogaKnowledge Center
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Two poses for today are Reclining Twist and Bound angle pose.

Reclining Twist and Bound angle pose

Reclining Twist and Bound angle pose reduced nervous tension and stress and improve overall health. Try these poses with Guided Yoga from YouVeda.

Reclining Twist Yoga Pose

The Reclining Twist Yoga Pose tones the spinal column and removes stiffness of the spine and shoulders. It also helps stimulate the large intestines and elimination. Reclining Twist Yoga is a great pose to take after a long-standing asana practice and back extensions.


  • Lying on your back, draw both knees into your chest. Open your arms to the side like wings and drop the knees to one side.
  • Directing the knees lower, or higher will affect where in the spine the stretch is felt. If the knees are higher, this moves the twist to the upper back; lowering the knees moves the twist more to the lumbar/sacrum.
  • For a deeper twist, draw one knee into the chest and, holding that knee with the opposite hand, draw it across the body. Rock back and forth a few times, but try to keep the shoulder blades flat on the floor. If the shoulder is off the floor, place a bolster under the bent knee(s).
  • If the shoulder is still floating, place a blanket under the shoulder or a bolster along the spine.
  • Experiment with the head-turning your head to either side and notice how the sensations change.
  • The hand alongside the ear can be resting on the floor or on a bolster.
  • Try the Twisted Roots pose with knees crossed as in eagle pose (Garudasana).
  • Placing the top leg straight out to the side applies the most leverage, which helps to keep the hips fully turned. For some, it’s less of a twist and more of a stretch to the outside of the leg and hip: great for the IT band. The deepest version of this option is to hold the foot with the opposite hand.
  • Slowly roll onto your back and hug the knees into the chest to release the sacrum and lumbar.


  • Twisting the spine stimulates the Urinary Bladder lines along the spine
  • If one arm is overhead, several meridians in the arms are stimulated – the Heart, Lung, and Small Intestines.
  • Twists compress the stomach and massage the internal organs. Twisting through the rib cage stimulates the Gall Bladder meridians.
  • Helps the liver, spleen, and pancreas
  • Nurtures the shoulder joint and upper spine, as well as all the tissues in the upper chest, breast, and shoulder.
  • When the knee is at 90 degrees or less, the lower spine, especially the lumbar and sacroiliac joints are stressed.

Reclining Bound Angle Pose

Reclining Bound Angle Pose is a deeply relaxing yoga position that is recommended for students of all levels.


  1. Gently recline the body, lowering your torso all the way to the ground. Use your hands to shift your buttocks and release your lower back onto the mat.
  2. As you inhale, bend your knees and draw your feet together on the mat. Bring your heels in toward your groin.
  3. Exhale and let your knees fall out to the sides, toward the ground. Allow the soles of your feet to join and the outer edges of your feet to rest on the mat. Rotate your thighs externally by using your hands to shift the outer thighs away from the sides of your torso.
  4. With your next inhale, draw your hands overhead to open the chest and stretch the abdominals.
  5. As you exhale, soften the elbows and melt the shoulders away from your ears.
  6. Hold this pose for 30 seconds to a minute.
  7. To exit, inhale, and draw the knees toward the midline. Exhale and relax your legs to the mat, or draw knees into the chest.


  • Lowered blood pressure
  • A decreased heart rate
  • Decreased muscle tension
  • Reduced occurrence of headaches
  • Relief from fatigue and insomnia
  • Reduced nervous tension and stress
  • Relief from anxiety and panic attacks
  • Increased overall energy levels

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