Guided Yoga: Stretch and Back Platform Poses

Guided YogaKnowledge Center
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Two poses for today are Stretch and Back Platform Poses

Stretch and Back Platform Poses

Stretch Pose

One posture unique to Kundalini Yoga and used frequently is Stretch Pose. Although it can be challenging, when done correctly it has a tremendous effect on the entire body. Stretch Pose activates the third chakra. By working on the navel point, stretch pose resets the entire nervous system and strengthens the abdominal area. In conjunction with Breath of Fire, it is calming, rejuvenating, and it purifies the blood. By working on the third chakra, it boosts resolve and self-esteem.


  • Lying on your back, start by rooting the lower back down into the ground, keeping both arms relaxed to the sides of the body.
  • Take one deep inhalation and bring both knees to the chest, and both arms up to the sides of the body, palms facing each other.
  • With the exhalation, kick both legs out straight and together (6 to 12 inches from the ground) and, at the same time, lift your chest forward and up, raising the head up and taking the shoulder blades off the ground, but making sure your lower back keeps flat to it.
  • Look straight at your toes and hold the position, with the breath of fire or just powerful breath from the navel point, for one minute.
  • Be sure to take a few moments lying on the back afterward to experience the benefits.


  • Builds abdominal strength
  • Increases core energy and willpower
  • Improves your digestive system
  •  Tunes up your nervous system
  • A lovely tool to help you make up your mind when you need to take an important decision

Back Platform Pose

Kundalini, or the science of breath and angles, teaches you to avoid traditional static poses to awaken cosmic energy believed to be dormant in all of us.  The Back Platform Pose is one of the important postures of the Kundalini Sequence.


  • Sit on the floor with the legs stretched straight out in front of you.
  • Lean back slightly,  and keeping the arms straight, place the hands flat on the floor behind you with the fingertips pointing towards the toes.
  • Keeping the heels pressed into the floor, balance the weight between the heels and the palms and lift the hips and chest upward, creating a straight line from the shoulders to the heels.
  • Drop the head back, lifting the heart center skyward.  Do not collapse the neck.
  • Breathe.

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