Do you take good care of your neck? Your neck, while often overlooked, plays a fundamentally important role in your overall health and wellness. It houses important blood vessels that supply blood to your brain, thyroid gland, and more! It is also the pathway through which food, water, and air reach vital organs.

Continue reading to learn more about how to take good care of your neck:
How is Your Posture?
Keeping your neck and spine in alignment is a good idea no matter who you are. A key way to be self-aware of your posture is to avoid slouching when you sit. If you work a sedentary job, make sure you have an ergonomically designed chair, and sit up straight with your lower back aligned with the back of your chair. Avoid sitting for too long a period at once, and get up every hour or so to stretch your neck and shoulder muscles. This will help reduce inflammation and tight muscles all around your body, especially your neck, shoulders, and lower back.
Do You Go to the Chiropractor?
You don’t have to wait until your back or neck are in pain to see a chiropractor. The development of stiffness and soreness can be a cumulative thing. Seeing a chiropractor for an adjustment on a regular basis can help keep things aligned, while also minimizing your risk for the all-too-common back and shoulder problems.
If you think you may have injured your neck or the surrounding areas, it’s a good idea to make an appointment with your doctor. This can give you a better idea on how to address the problem and find effective remedy solutions.
Try YouVeda’s Supplement Kits or Essential Oils
Some of us suffer from internal inflammation, tight muscles, or sore joints. If you are one of these people, YouVeda’s doctor-formulated Ayurvedic supplement kits and essential oils can help to remedy these symptoms.

Our ‘My Healthy Joints’ supplement kit includes Ayurvedic herbs and vitamins that work synergistically to provide complete muscle and joint support. Our unique blend includes Boswellia, Curcumin, Ginger and Laksha Guggul, which are all shown to help strengthen muscles, fight inflammation, and calm the body.
If you want to apply a topical product for inflammatory-relief, consider our ‘My Essential Oils Joints’ roll-on. This 100% pure & therapeutic grade essential oil helps soothe your joints and muscles in order restore balance in your body. It is formulated with ginger oil, boswellia oil, ashwagandha oil, raspberry oil, and neroli oil to provide comfort in movement, body and mind.Keeping your neck strong and healthy is an important part of any self-care routine. Shop the rest of our health and wellness collection now!