Gunny Sodhi Ayurveda & You, Body, Herbs, Knowledge Center, Lifestyle, Mood

What Are Essential Oils & How Do They Work?

Reading Time: 3 minutes Essential oils have been used for thousands of years in various civilizations to treat illnesses and promote health. They are becoming popular as natural, safe, and cost-effective therapies for various health problems due to their antidepressant, stimulating, detoxifying, antibacterial, antiviral, and soothing effects. There’s no mystery behind it, given the high cost of health care expenditures and the adverse effects …

Gunny Sodhi Ayurveda & You, Body, Herbs, Knowledge Center, Lifestyle, Mood

Everything You Need To Know About The Nootropic Bacopa

Reading Time: 3 minutes Bacopa is a plant used to treat memory and brain-related ailments for thousands of years – a plant considered so beneficial to the mind that it has been a mainstay of traditional Ayurvedic medicine in India since time immemorial. Bacopa (also known as Brahmi) is a supplement used to treat a variety of mind-related issues, including anxiety, Alzheimer’s disease, memory …

Why Ashwagandha is the most sacred herb

Ferd Sual Ayurveda & You, Body, Herbs, Knowledge Center, Lifestyle, Mood

Why Ashwagandha Is the Most Sacred Herb

Reading Time: 2 minutes In Ayurveda, Ashwagandha is known as the “King of Medicine,” or the most sacred herb. In fact, its name literally means “the smell of a horse,” as it was said to give people who consumed it the strength and virility of a horse. This amazing ayurvedic adaptogen has now been scientifically proven to alleviate stress, help prevent the effects of …

7 Ayurvedic Tips To Balance and Support Your Immune System

Ferd Sual Daily Routines, Immunity, Lifestyle

7 Ayurvedic Tips to Balance and Support Your Immune System

Reading Time: 3 minutes It is safe to say that our concern for our immune systems has increased in the last two years. We are more interested in the things we can do as a preventative measure against colds and flu. Bacteria and viruses that always surround us are responsible for causing an imbalance in our immune system, which leads to diseases. Ayurvedic medicine …

Ayurvedic Digestive Tips

Ferd Sual Ayurveda & You, Daily Routines, Digestion, Knowledge Center, Lifestyle, Recipes & DIY

Ayurvedic Digestive Tips

Reading Time: 2 minutes Everybody wants good digestion. Here are top 5 Ayurvedic digestive tips to improve digestion and live a better life. Tip 1: Stimulate Your digestive System Before You Eat Certain poses are ideal for the digestive system because the twists create agony or fire. The twisting creates the Agni that gets our gastric juices flowing. One of the stretches you can …

Kelly Driscoll Ayurveda & You, Body, Daily Routines, Digestion, Doshas, Lifestyle, Mood, Product Articles

How to Balance Your Dosha For Better Sleep

Reading Time: 5 minutes Sleep. It’s one of the most important protective processes our body goes through — just as important as eating! Sleep is crucial for our bodies to rest, rejuvenate and detoxify. Not getting enough sleep can lead to a whole host of problems, including poor immunity, issues with concentration, alertness and a build-up of waste materials and toxins (ama) in the …

Ferd Sual Ayurveda & You, Daily Routines, Doshas, Essential Oils, Kapha, Lifestyle, Mood, Pitta, Seasonal Guides, Vata

Ayurveda and Relationships

Reading Time: 3 minutes Relationships are an inherent part of life, for better or worse. We all have relationships with friends, significant others, family members, and co-workers among many other individuals in our lives. However, these relationships can be quite tumultuous at times. Luckily there is a way to maximize the health of these interactions using Ayurveda. Every relationship has its give and take, …

3 Ways to Promote Healthy Digestion

Ferd Sual Digestion, Lifestyle, Product Articles, Seasonal Guides

3 Ways to Promote Healthy Digestion

Reading Time: 3 minutes If you’ve ever felt a grumbling tummy, burning sensation, or other form of discomfort in your upper abdomen, you’re probably dealing with indigestion. From upset stomach to heartburn, and diarrhea to constipation, signs of an unhealthy digestive tract can turn any good day into a bad one. Fortunately, you can make some lifestyle changes that will tremendously change the condition …

Ayurveda and sleep

Ferd Sual Ayurveda & You, Daily Routines, Doshas, Essential Oils, Lifestyle, Seasonal Guides

The Importance of Sleep

Reading Time: 4 minutes We all know how easy it is to stay up late – and how pervasive the (conditioned – let’s be honest here) urge to check our phones, or do *just* one more thing, or catch up on that next episode. The truth is, we are diurnal beings – we sleep when it’s dark! Biologically, evolutionary, that is what we were …

Kelly Driscoll Daily Routines, Lifestyle, Mood, Product Articles

How to Beat Brain Fog

Reading Time: 4 minutes Tell me if this sounds familiar: You’re sitting down and realize you need to get something in the other room. You get up, walk halfway to the other room, then stop dead in your tracks, “what was I going to get?” How you can beat brain fog – Vitamin Supplements, exercise, other solutions can provide the answer It happens to …

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