Ayurvedic Digestive Tips

Ferd Sual Ayurveda & You, Daily Routines, Digestion, Knowledge Center, Lifestyle, Recipes & DIY

Ayurvedic Digestive Tips

Reading Time: 2 minutes Everybody wants good digestion. Here are top 5 Ayurvedic digestive tips to improve digestion and live a better life. Tip 1: Stimulate Your digestive System Before You Eat Certain poses are ideal for the digestive system because the twists create agony or fire. The twisting creates the Agni that gets our gastric juices flowing. One of the stretches you can …

Kelly Driscoll Lifestyle, Recipes & DIY

Warming Pumpkin Spice Shake

Reading Time: 2 minutes Autumn is synonymous with cool and crisp mornings, soft breezes that float crimson leaves through the air, and a chill that sets in as the months progress towards winter. In Ayurvedic terms, the season of fall is a time of Vata dosha, a combination of the elements of air and ether, with qualities of lightness, dryness, and mobility. As the …

ultimate guide eating in-season

Kelly Driscoll Lifestyle, Recipes & DIY, Seasonal Guides

The Ultimate Autumn Guide To Eating In-Season

Reading Time: 3 minutes Summertime is abundant with fresh, flavorful in-season produce. The grocery store seems to be brimming with tempting watermelon, cucumbers, strawberries, arugula and zucchini. As the temperatures cool, you may be wondering what seasonal produce you can fill your plate with. In this article, “The Ultimate Autumn Guide To Eating In-Season” we focus on the importance of eating in-season produce. Why …

What to eat for yout Dosha

Kelly Driscoll Ayurveda & You, Digestion, Doshas, Lifestyle, Product Articles, Recipes & DIY

What to Eat for your Dosha

Reading Time: 4 minutes Three energies (aka doshas) swirl together, fusing the world as it is. These three energies not only structure a balanced planet – but they also construct YOU! This information is the basis of Ayurveda, which was written in the Vedas thousands of years ago. What Am I Made Of? Remember the five elements that create nature? Air, water, earth, fire …

Gunny Sodhi Ayurveda & You, Lifestyle, Pitta, Pitta Dosa, Recipes & DIY

Pitta Balancing Summer Smoothies

Reading Time: 2 minutes Summer is a time of beach trips, vacations, picnics, sundresses, longer, warmer days. According to Ayurveda, the seasons are connected to the doshas or the mind-body types. The hot summer months are considered “pitta season.” The pitta dosha is characterized by physical heat, a fast metabolism, and strong digestion. In order to balance the fierce, fieriness of the pitta dosha …

the six tastes of ayurveda

Kelly Driscoll Ayurveda & You, Daily Routines, Lifestyle, Recipes & DIY

The Six Tastes of Ayurveda

Reading Time: 4 minutes The six tastes of Ayurveda should be included in your diet to maintain nutritional balance. What is the best meal you’ve ever eaten? Imagine it now: what do you see, what do you smell, what do you taste? Taste has a strong pull for humans. We have emotional connections to tastes; your mom’s chocolate chip cookies she always made for …

Ayurvedic Spring Cleansing

Ferd Sual Ayurveda & You, Herbs, Kapha, Recipes & DIY, Seasonal Guides

Ayurvedic Spring Cleansing

Reading Time: 4 minutes The feelings of Spring are upon us! That natural high of that first warm, sunny day, the sounds of the birds, and all of the new activity of Mother Nature!  The leaves are sprouting. The flowers are blooming.  And with this renewed sense of change in nature, Spring is the perfect time to gift ourselves with a reset… to cleanse, …

Spring Time Soul Soup

Ferd Sual Ayurveda & You, Recipes & DIY, Seasonal Guides

Spring Time Soul Soup

Reading Time: 2 minutes Spring is in the air – cherry blossoms are blooming, bees are buzzing, and fresh buds are poking up out of the cool, damp Earth. The world is waking up, warming up, and blossoming into a new season. With a change in seasons comes a change in the body’s needs to stay balanced and in homeostasis – that sweet spot …

Kelly Driscoll Lifestyle, Recipes & DIY

Ayurvedic Cranberry Sauce -Chutney

Reading Time: 2 minutes The Holiday season is a time for gathering – coming together in sacred space with friends and loved ones, reflecting on our gratitudes and experiences of the past year, and of course, sharing nourishing food. I have vivid memories of such meals, with many gathered around the table, passing homemade dishes and sharing in laughter. Ayurvedic Cranberry Sauce – Chutney …

Juice up

Kelly Driscoll Digestion, Lifestyle, Product Articles, Recipes & DIY, Seasonal Guides, Yoga & Meditation

The different kinds of Indigestion and How to Manage It

Reading Time: 3 minutes You might as well have swallowed a cinder block. That mystery meat sandwich from the cafeteria is sitting in your stomach like a ten-pound hunk of marble, refusing to be digested, refusing to move along, and leaving you with a bellyful of discomfort. The key question – how to manage indigestion does not have one decisive answer – we discuss …

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