The Ultimate Self-Care Tool: Gratitude Journaling

Ferd Sual Daily Routines, Lifestyle, Yoga & Meditation

The Ultimate Self-Care Tool: Gratitude Journaling

Reading Time: 5 minutes You know how an hour-long yoga practice is sort of magical in how it can transform your day? Well, gratitude journaling has the same type of magic … and the power to shift your entire life. I have cultivated a gratitude practice, interwoven with my yoga practice, for more than a decade. It started for me as I was emerging …

How Is Ayurveda Connected to Veganism?

Ferd Sual Ayurveda & You, Doshas, Herbs, Lifestyle, Yoga & Meditation

How Is Ayurveda Connected to Veganism?

Reading Time: 7 minutes BY RUDRI PATEL written for Although it’s now easy to accept veganism as a mainstream diet and lifestyle, the concept began several centuries ago in the East. Veganism and spirituality have a long, symbiotic history. Respect for animals and the earth are rooted in many Eastern religions, and the modern plant-based diets of today owe their origins to a rich cultural history …

Kelly Driscoll Ayurveda & You, Doshas, Lifestyle, Vata, Vata Dosa, Yoga & Meditation

Fall Yoga to Balance Vata Dosha

Reading Time: 4 minutes Swirling leaves, animals foraging to prepare for cooler months ahead, children laughing, running, and jumping into piles of fallen leaf litter – these are the images of autumn, the most Vata time of year. In Sanskrit, the root of the word ‘Vata’ means ‘to move’. This time of year summons images that reflect this movement through principles of mobility and …

ayurveda and energy

Ferd Sual Ayurveda & You, Essential Oils, Lifestyle, Seasonal Guides, Yoga & Meditation

Ayurveda & Energy Work: A Combined Path to Healing

Reading Time: 3 minutes Achieving ultimate wellness, life-fulfillment, and happiness include healing through the multiple layers of the mind, body, and soul and this can be achieved through energy work.   Have you ever noticed that when you care for your physical body; eating and sleeping well, exercising regularly, and breathing deeply, you begin to think clearer, feel happier, become more intuitive, and make …

Ferd Sual Lifestyle, Yoga & Meditation

Yoga Poses to Start and End Your Day

Reading Time: 4 minutes Yoga is both a physical and spiritual practice. There are many varieties of yoga, including vinyasa, Hatha, ashtanga, yin, and more. Adding a few foundational poses to your morning and evening routine will create a habit to start and end your day. The energizing morning poses are designed to invigorate your body, while the night poses can help quiet the …

Combating Stress with Restorative Yoga

Ferd Sual Daily Routines, Lifestyle, Mood, Yoga & Meditation

Combating Stress with Restorative Yoga

Reading Time: 5 minutes One breath at a time. One step at a time. That is all we need. All we have is this right now. And all is going to be okay. The focus of restorative Yoga is not on stretching or strengthening, but solely in releasing and relaxing! Do you feel addicted to being busy? Are you craving some down-time? Maybe you’re …

practice pranayama

Ferd Sual Ayurveda & You, Daily Routines, Essential Oils, Lifestyle, Yoga & Meditation

The Practice of Pranayama- Breathe Your Way to Stress Relief

Reading Time: 4 minutes Think back on your day for a moment – when was the last time you took a deep, slow, belly breath? When you woke up? Before sitting down for that beautiful and nourishing lunch of yours? With your afternoon coffee or tea? Was there space at all for a deep breath in your day? Join the author here and pause …

meditation practice

Kelly Driscoll Daily Routines, Lifestyle, Yoga & Meditation

Finding Your Meditation Style

Reading Time: 5 minutes When you hear the word meditation, your mind might summon images of ancient sages and rishis sitting in lotus pose, legs crossed, hands in mudra, eyes closed in seemingly perfect concentration and connection to the divine. You might then think ‘this is not for me,’ ‘how the heck am I supposed to concentrate like that?’ or perhaps ‘that just won’t …

yoga & ayurveda

Ferd Sual Ayurveda & You, Doshas, Essential Oils, Kapha, Lifestyle, Pitta, Vata, Yoga & Meditation

Yoga & Ayurveda: Discovering the Best Practices for Each Dosha

Reading Time: 4 minutes Have you ever wondered why certain yoga poses leave you feeling rejuvenated, calm, centered, and balanced while others feel more agitating, sore, or awkward? Maybe you have a friend who thrives from a hot, powerful yoga class, while you enjoy the slower, gentle stretching. Learn why in this article about Yoga & Ayurveda: Discovering the best yoga practices for each …

4 Rejuvenating Ways to Close out 2020

Ferd Sual Essential Oils, Lifestyle, Seasonal Guides, Yoga & Meditation

Rounding out the Year! 4 Rejuvenating Ways to Close out 2020

Reading Time: 4 minutes Phew! 2020. Yes… we have been hearing, experiencing, and feeling it ALL for the past year. However, magically enough, a new year is soon upon us. And while this period of time has hit us each individually in our own personal ways, this final month of the year is a wonderful opportunity to close out 2020 in the most epic …

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