Turmeric is a spice that has received much interest from both the medical and scientific worlds, as well as from the culinary world. It is a plant in the ginger family, native to Southeast Asia and primarily grown in India. Its rhizome (underground stem) is used as a culinary spice and traditional medicine around the world. Historically, turmeric was used in Ayurveda and other traditional Indian medical systems, as well as Eastern Asian medical systems such as traditional Chinese medicine. In India, it was traditionally used for disorders of the skin, upper respiratory tract, joints, and digestive system.
Today, turmeric is recognized as a dietary supplement for a variety of health conditions. It is a common spice and a major ingredient in curry powder. Curcumin is a major component of turmeric, and the activities of turmeric are commonly attributed to curcuminoids. Curcumin also gives turmeric its yellow color. Continue reading to learn more about the many benefits of turmeric and curcumin for the body:

Reduces Inflammation
Known for its major anti-inflammatory benefits, turmeric and curcumin help to combat inflammation and remedy discomfort. Inflammation is a chain reaction throughout the body that is fueled by oxidative stress from environmental aggressors like smoke, pollution, and more. This leads to those pesky free radicals, which wreak havoc on the body over time. Chronic inflammation leads to conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, colitis, arthritis, and more. According to research, turmeric and curcumin are mediators of inflammation. They block inflammatory cell’s activation (cytokines and enzymes), preventing them from populating and taking control. Curcumin also suppresses inflammation due to its high antioxidant content.
Alleviates Arthritic Pain
It doesn’t matter what age you are; you may notice that you are managing arthritic pain. Signs of arthritis include pain, swelling, reduced range of motion, and stiffness. Arthritis is the most common joint disorder in the United States, and knees are often the first joints affected by the condition. Instead of turning to pharmaceuticals such as NSAID’s or prescription medications, you can go the holistic route and take turmeric to alleviate the symptoms.
In a recent study, researchers enrolled 139 people with symptoms of knee osteoarthritis. Their symptoms were at least moderately severe and required treatment with a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). For one month, they were given the NSAID diclofenac (50 mg, twice daily) or curcumin (500 mg, three times daily). Results found that curcumin reduced osteoarthritis pain and inflammation just as well as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like diclofenac and ibuprofen. However, people reported fewer side effects with curcumin. For example, none of the study subjects taking curcumin needed treatment for stomach trouble, but 28% of those taking diclofenac needed treatment.
Try YouVeda’s Supplement Kits with Turmeric & Curcumin
Here at YouVeda, we believe in the ancient principles of Ayurveda. We created an innovative, full-support collection of supplements that contain only the best, high-quality, organic ingredients to boost your overall health and wellness. Both our “My Healthy Joints” and “My Health Digestion” Kits contain turmeric and curcumin, along with several other herbs and vitamins that target your pain and discomfort at the source.
Our “My Healthy Joints” Kit provides you with the right nutrients to maintain a healthy inflammatory and metabolic response, as well as overall support for muscle and joint mobility. Our ingredients work synergistically to give you the balance and relief you deserve. Since turmeric and curcumin are inflammatory scavengers, they can both remedy gastrointestinal discomfort as well. YouVeda’s “My Health Digestion” Kit helps you support healthy gut functioning, aids in regulating bowel movements and supports liver health. It will truly leave you feeling amazing from the inside. Check out the rest of our collection now!